Examples of in Defense of a Cause

Matt Pinsker

November 4, 2022

Examples of in Defense of a Cause

There are several examples of defense of a cause. Some of these include defending the nation’s foreign policy, defending oneself against a criminal charge, or choosing a lesser evil. Each of these examples focuses on a particular issue. If you are unsure of the correct definition of in defense of, you can find examples of the phrase by looking up Webster’s New World College Dictionary.

Defense of the nation’s foreign policy

The United States foreign policy encourages tremendous respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms worldwide. This is accomplished by pressing the observance of internationally recognized human rights by all nations. The President may not transfer weapons, munitions, military boats, or vessels to another country without the approval of Congress.

Defense of a criminal charge

When a defendant is accused of a crime, their best option is to argue their innocence. While claiming innocence is not a sufficient defense, it will provide the best opportunity for an acquittal. If the prosecution can prove that the state did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, then the defendant has a legitimate defense.

There are many types of criminal defenses. Some are obvious, such as pointing out flaws in the prosecution’s case. Others are more unique to the circumstances of a specific topic. A criminal defense attorney will consider the case’s facts and decide whether to assert one or more defense theories.

Another common defense is the duress defense. In this case, the defendant was under the threat of harm by another person or organization. This defense provides a legitimate excuse if the accused acted in self-defense. For instance, an organized crime family may have threatened to harm the victim.

The rules of criminal procedure are incredibly complicated and frequently ignored by non-lawyers. A criminal defense lawyer should have a thorough understanding of these laws to protect their client’s rights and ensure all parties adhere to the rules.

Defense of choice of evils

A defense called in defense of choice of evils allows a defendant to escape a criminal conviction based on the fact that the crime was a “lesser evil” than the alternative. This defense is sometimes used in cases where a criminal’s life is at stake. But the concept of a “lesser evil” does not apply in all cases. In particular, a person charged with homicide cannot use the choice of evils defense if they intend to kill another person.

The choice of evils defense is only allowed when the defendant offers proof that the lesser evil was worse. It is also limited to cases in which the crime caused damage to property or life. It is difficult to claim a perfect choice of evils defense, but when it works, it can lead to an acquittal, reduced sentence, or lesser charge.

This defense is similar to the duress defense but has specific differences. It requires two or more “evils” to be present and objectively reasonable. In other words, the choice must have been justified by circumstances, such as the defendant’s love for his child. In addition, the choice of evils defense is not applicable in a criminal case involving homicide or duress.

Another type of choice of evil defense is the necessity defense. This theory argues that the defendant committed the crime to avoid an even greater evil. In other words, the person must have been aware of the greater evil and therefore had a choice.